What is this?

This is a website about Filian. She's short, hyper, and likes fruit snacks.

Why the sudden layout change on the main page? I missed that scuff 😔

I got sick of it every time I look at it. I'll admit that I used Twitch as a wireframe as an inspiration to make this less of a hassle to work with.

Related: When can I go back to the old days?

I don't know anything about archiving the website. DM me to make that request.

Can I have a transcript of your message?


Can I change/edit the contents of the website?

No. I'm the sole person responsible for creating this.

I love Shylily WompWomp I want some artwork, if you know what I'm saying? -Burnincorpz

Smacker 🤮

What inspired you to create this website for Filian? Why Filian, specifically?

This was a passion project of mine. I am a fan of her streams since May 8th, 2022. I was peer-pressured into making the website. I spent a total of 3+ months over one summer learning everything I could. I had a lot of ups and downs making this, including unexpected challenges. I want to make this accessible for everyone who watches Filian (or doesn't) so that it can still be as entertaining. This isn't a one-and-done project; I still want to master the techniques many people used so it looks better. And that won't be for a long time. I hope that makes sense.

Any plans for the future?

In this case, I want to make this as interactive and insanely creative as possible. I'm not going to tell you which things I'll create in the future, but I do have a list for the website that I could implement (if i can figure how the fuck to do this without spending months on one thing).

Are you a mod?


How about a Discord mod?

I'll pass. Besides, I think we already have plenty.

Why is the website so ugly?

You're ugly!

Favourite anime?

This one

Did you make everything yourself. That banner looks cool.

Yes, I made that one and the website.

Fun fact about you?

I don't have any.

Why is it that when I clicked play, it plays the Suika Game music? I'm actually triggered!

It's nice music at least. (Don't tell Bao I said that)

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

What is this? An interview?
How did Filian came up with Filian? I wonder where she got the idea for the name Filian in the first place... has she ever explained that? -slolstar
I don't know. I have no clue. Probably a stage name for when has to make a point.

Are there any secrets to this website?

I don't hide them.

Were the quotes and facts from Filian really true? I need to know.

!quote 13

Why are there too few sections that are arbituarily long? What gives.

I was focusing on school, so I can't guarantee I'll be essaying/researching, if that makes sense.

Accuracy or precision?

Do I really have to explain that to you? Just watch her streams and you'll get the full picture.

Is there by any chance that Filipino Boy sees your website?

Not in a million fucking years. Ask Lore Master The_Mad_Q for actual Filian lore.

Favorite song?

This one

Hi, I'm a Smacker. Kiss me!


Hi, I'm one of Filian's mods. Are you really that old of a snacker?

I'm not old Smadge

Hi, I'm Filian. Ignore what everyone had to say. I think you are respected in this community and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this website for me. Seriously, 3+ months? That's a lot of hard work. I hope to see this in the near future and hope your successes as a CS major spread my website to everyone. I love it so much 💜💜

Thank you, Filian. Please ban yourself (i'm kidding)! I will vow to keep this passion project going so I can add even more features to this website. I have some exciting projects I wanted to work on for a while, so I hope you can wait on that soon so I can show it to you. DM me if you want more info about why I did this.

I sent you something on Ask Me Something. Did you see my message?

I'm too lazy to respond. Please try again in the next 10,000 business years.

Will you announce the updates on the website in #community-creations?

I don't wanna spam updates in #community-creations everytime I change the website. It's better to keep this a surprise. Even if I do the announcements, there's no leniancy and I'll be banned on Discord. The website I posted is the only exception because I want to share what I made. This also means I have no notification system set up because, again, I don't how that works.

Can I go now?

Click the link down below.