
Filian stated herself that she dreamed of doing an award show since late May of 2023. It's been a long journey to get her this far to do it. Though I believe that there are some things to improve in the future, I hope this tradition sticks with her for the rest of her streaming career and beyond. Congratulations to you Filian and cheers to another amazing Award Show ✨🥂✨


backstory -->

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away lived a streamer by the name of Filian. She always has a knack at insanely creative things that both entertain the viewers and herself. At one point, she was just a small streamer of about 200k followers when she announced in late May 2022 she will stream on Twitch full time. This would be the testament towards innovative streams at insane degrees. She wasn't being sponsored previously, but with so many opportunities knocking at her PC, branched out to more VTubers. This was I think the first time that she would do collaborations at this frequency. Her schedule changes a few months prior was a starting point to draw more people to attend to her streams. It wouldn't be just VRChat that's the main focal point, and this was at the same time I started to believe that she could be useful for once. Within her powers come a contract: I will pursue my endeavours to stream lots of new content for you guys and I've been dreaming about this ever since. And 2022 rolled by without a single controversy (at least that's what I've been told), and her popularity soared to 600k followers by April 2023. Surely there's not going to be any dry content I'm used to seeing and just stop watching her. But did I miss the mark about this assumption for literally everything I see in the internet? There are possibly other content creators that did the same thing at large scales who had the most fun interacting with fans across the globe. If I were to invest in doing something like this, participating in whatever the creator decides to do for the sake of monetary disillusionment, then so be it! I would take on this challenge and prove to myself that the sacrifice towards contributing the community of millions of people will take serious amounts of efforts. And I was wrong.

and then, a sudden announcement! -->

In late May of 2023, Filian deides to annouce something that she never told us since joining Mythic. She had been working on a secret project that bases off on communities upon communities of creators that they tend to care since starting one. If you were to ever go to daycare, chances are you would be bound to explore so many things that greatly fascinates someone. Or maybe if you have ever been on a field trip with the class, and suddenly you look back thinking this is the best shit I experienced ever (unless you're terminally online your whole life, but I'm afraid you wouldn't get my analogy). But here's the thing: what about an award show? "Bruh, you couldn't possibly make it out of the controversy blackhole by doing this. I'm seen past events and many, many videos explaining the downfall of creators that do this for clout. I have a great sense of urgency to cyberbully my creator just because I want Ironmouse to win everything! Suck my fucking dick and kys!" If being on the internet long enough made you psychologically brain-fried, then why spite them just because someone is so committed to doing the biggest projects and you ruining it? At least, that's one of the biggest concerns with events like this that falls short. And this would've been detremental to one's mental psyche that just never escapes itself. I had this worrying effect that these people would do anything to stop this from happening. But being that this would be some sort of award show, what would that be like? That was her announcement. She even tweeted that day that she will host the VTuber Awards come 12/16/23. And this was huge news. Articles like Dexerto even interviewed Filian on the matter about why this came to be. She said something like: "It’s a very diverse medium, a lot of VTubers create a ton of really cool content, and there’s a ton of different categories out there that us VTubers have cemented ourselves in... There’s a lot more to VTubers out there in terms of the different categories and niches, so I wanted to spotlight it." How exciting!!! Something we can all appreciate that has never been covered by traditional media outlets like FoxNews, BBC, RTE, Channel 9, or anywhere else. This rapid development and growth exposes wonderous possibilites to explore this new medium of content creation. But what now? What led up to this point that created so many memories that even I had to write down on Notepad?

so what now? -->

With all this hype about the VTuber Awards, there must be some tidbits and leaks (mostly) that we're craving up until this point. What even are they? Like Dory, I have to have someone from the community write this down for me since I couldn't find my way to write this out. Let me settle you on something interesting: I don't remember what happened. I have someone currently looking through the data and not responding back. The info will just have to wait until then. And yes, I have school and I won't come back to this probably in a long time (like all the other Wikis).

the week of reckoning. and the VTuber Awards -->

The days are fast approaching, and No Nut November ended sometimes ago. It was just too much for us Snackers to even witness this event happening live. Will this turn out as expected that will blow her budget skyhigh, or her worst nightmare since streaming? Do we finally have the answer to all of our questions since May? And then on December 16th, 2023 at 22:00 UTC, she went live. If you watch the VOD somewhere, I'm sure you'll figure it out yourself why this was such a huge event for the community.

aftermath -->

What an event it was! Man, this was something I never expect to see from all this happening before, during, and after the Awards. I couldn't believe it! Totally piqued my expections. In all seriousness, there are a lot of moving parts that made the show happen. The guys in Ukraine who only do ESports stuff were very intrigued by this Award Show layout that Filian had to pitch to them a crash course of VTubing. And I am seriously proud of them. Not very much scuff from what I can tell, apart from the funny moments/clips that had happened since. This would not be possible without the many people (and Snackers) working on it that costed $100,000 to produce. Yes, that was the budget! I always want something new and innovative that will make me curious and even do projects on, just so I wouldn't dry myself out in the sea of repetition, and the changing times. I'm glad I get to even be a part of the Snackers community and making this website happen because I chose this to be a part of my hobby and for me to graduate university. It's a new concept for me doing this for you, but I welcome this challenge of trying new things. Even if it's 10 years, and 10 Awards Shows, I hope this stays around. If you've been this far into reading this, thank you! I'm terrible at writing stuff like this, so please forgive me and not everything in here is true, but it's close enough. See you for the next one, I guess.

- yukimecoq

FillyLove FillyLove FillyLove


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Below are the past winners for the VTuber Awards. Due to copyright and the amount of Twitter haters I'll be facing, all of them will be done in very crude drawings done by someone with very poor art skills. What can I say, it's close enough for you to resemble who they are. I'm not sorry!

FPS Winner (2023): Selen Tatsuki
Tech Winner (2023): vedal987
Art Winner (2023): Ninomae Ina
Music Winner (2023): Mori Calliope
Clipper Winner (2023): Cooksie
Parent Winner (2023): 2winTails
Funniest Winner (2023): chibidoki
Chaotic Winner (2023): Kobo Kanaeru
Fanbase Winner (2023): Gawr Gura (Chumbuds)
Minecraft Winner (2023): Kaela Kolvalskia
ASMR Winner (2023): Ceres Fauna
Lewdtuber Winner (2023): projektmelody
Miss VTuber Winner (2023): ironmouse
Chatting Winner (2023): shylily
Game of the Year Winner (2023): Suika Game
Concert of the Year Winner (2023): Hololive: Connect The World
Philanthropic Winner (2023): Mika Melatika: 60-Hour Charity
Best Streamed Event Winner (2023): Ironmouse Subathon
Hidden Gem Winner (2023): fufu
Rising Star Winner (2023): henyathegenius
Rising VTuber Organization Winner (2023): PhaseConnect
Gamer of the Year Winner (2023): Selen Tatsuki
League of Their Own Winner (2023): FuwaMoco
VTuber Organization of the Year Winner (2023): HoloLive
VTuber of the Year Winner (2023): ironmouse