Update Logs

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Logs updated in reverse chronological order. You can find these changes below:

1.0 | 1.0.1 | 1.0.2 | 1.0.3 | 1.0.4 | 1.1 | [...]

Version 1.1 (January 13th, 2024)

  • Current file size in about 570MB.
  • I wrote something for the VTuber Awards (finally). As stated in the FAQ, these are not meant to be precise, and I don't want to spend my last braincells looking this up. DM me or something.
  • NEW vids and images of Filian. Special thanks to Reiviar for providing the Filian content you get to finally see (And the VTuber Awards).
  • Added chill music you can click at your own descretion (tw: seizures/loud sounds/death)
  • Okay, I said I wasn't gonna stylize the FAQ, but I did. Now including dropdowns so you won't be bombarded with the answers. Check them out!
  • Minorly changed the About Section, which will now generate text when you click play! It's like Chat-GPT, but not really modified to be a LLM (hint: i did not change anything to it). Oh yeah, if you're wondering about the extra space, it's just a feature, since it will fill up the space for the text anyway.
  • I think that's all I want to cover for the main features. The rest you have to explore yourself. Next update will not be for a long time because I have university, and even if I did find the time to do the hobby, it's gonna put more pressure and work, so that's not gonna happen. I will spend enough time to do it whenever I want. Thanks for understanding. See you soon!
  • Lesson learned: do not copy your project for achival purposes. It will FUCK UP everything and will not push the updates. So, no archives are being requested right now (unless you have Internet Wayback Machine).
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    Version 1.0.4 (November 24th, 2023)

  • Ask Me Something should be fixed... i think. My stupid ass forgot to include the meta tags and I did not notice since that HTML file was created 2 months ago! I'm gonna be on my deathbed by this point. Proof
  • In other news, I finally made the facts and quotes more nicer to read (and colour-coded). Check it out!
  • Finally realised you can move the styles of each HTML file separately, and now my style folder should populate and that the contents are the same as it is. I was gonna do the same for JS on the animations, but this is only temporary, as I plan to add stuff there anyway.
  • Quotes are now based on the !quote commands. I preface this that these aren't exact wordings, but approximate to the stream. Thanks @shuvi_ai for writing them down.
  • Added a Fansly.
  • Accidently leaked the other section. This was supposed to be a draft. Frick! Now it's fixed.
  • Rephrased the FAQ.
  • I have a busy semester, chat. Sorry that there's barely any updates. But hopefully get back into the swing of things afterwards. I'm going indoor skydiving in mid-December. It's gonna be super fun. I'll let you know how it is the day of the VTuber Awards. Thanks again for the support!
  • Oh, one more thing. There will be a section dedicated to the VTuber Awards. I'll decide what to do with it come January.
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    Version 1.0.3 (October 8th, 2023)

  • The rest of the styling is now updated + ANIMATIONS!!! **NOTE: I decided it would be best not to stylize the FAQ for now. I was planning to make pop-ups of categories with the questions, but it was more complicated than I expected. Soon though! Promise?**
  • An extra Instagram link is now deleted. Oopsie Daisies.
  • The buttons for the Pseudo-Linktree are now associated with the logo colours! Clicky-clicky.
  • The video on the right side now has more room from the bottom margin. Now we're getting consistent!
  • The video in question is now more "defined."
  • The website title header is now spaced out so it isn't just one word (For my dyslexic homies).
  • Updated the questions and answers to the FAQ.
  • Okay, for the record, I wanted Gilian to appear like 50% percent of the time for the Ask Me Something page. This should also apply for those on mobile, which now has bigger texts. If it didn't change, then I'm sorry about that (I might have to rewrite the thing again from scratch to make this work).
  • There are some webpage drafts you can find somewhere. They help me set up the page much more visually.
  • What animations? How did you learn that? Here


  • Alright, I have midterms to do. You may not see updates in a little while, so thank you for your patience. Ciao!
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    Version 1.0.2 (September 28th, 2023)

  • Major style changes on some relative webpages! Check them out.
  • Jerma is now canon! Hopefully Filian will give him an experience of what VRChat is really like (and maybe exercise to make him feel young again).
  • Dates are now consistent with the given time. For example, Jerma's birthday should be up-to date in terms of age.
  • More nicknames for Filian (albeit short list, cuz I can't think of any).
  • What am I thinking about right now?
    • New fonts?
    • New styles in index?
    • More animations?
    • Posting sus artwork that the mods made me delete?
  • Okay, I'm done. The caffiene is hitting me right now, and I have to go somewhere. See you next update!!!!!!!
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    Version 1.0.1 (September 15th, 2023)

  • Bug fixes. Mobile should have better formatting (I think). It also shouldn't clip for some sections.
  • Deleted hard-coded values to better suit reliability of the website (there may still be some that I can't fix, but will soon).
  • Fixed the banner issue. It's fixed at the vertical center of the first section, instead of the top left.
  • Flexed some containers. WIDEGIGACHAD
  • Filian smells.
  • That's it. Get out of here smackers.
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    Version 1.0 (August 14th, 2023)

  • Website created. Yea... What are you waiting for?
  • Note: Mobile devices are fucked. I'll fix it next update. Don't worry :)
  • Added links to her channels. Didn't know she has a PornHub account...
  • I have a Discord. DM me to suggest changes. Should be somewhere in the index.
  • Cool and SICK NASTY animations!!!
  • Hi Filian.
  • Okay, that's all for the updates. See you in chat 👋
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