
Yes. It's real.

If you're confused about this website, the FAQ should help you answer some of your questions. We're here to have fun, not hate each other! Oh yeah, the audio message below should explain why I made this website in the first place:

Definitely not cringe message 🤭


Who the fuck is Filian? Why does she sound like a prepubescent boy who barely made it through adulthood? Who let that cringe kid get a career as a streamer? when will she ever debut???

If you have wondered for a long time why we let her be who she is, this was something I want to write about since creating this website. After all, what's a Filian without even mentioning who she is. In essence, Filian (perceived as "Rachel", if smackers take this information too seriously) is a catgirl on the internet who does weird things. Known for doing physical gymnastics, flashbangs, edgy jokes, and that one time she's homeless, suddenly became who she is today. My first taste on Filian came about in late April 2022 when she did a short from a Beat Saber stream in 2021 I found in my recommend feed before YouTube segregated them as a tab. Very much it was her saying the along the lines of, "No real fruit! No Mott's! No preservatives! No originals! Only Welch's!" That triggered something in my brain that made me tickle inside that springs ADHD in both of us, which I'd say never happened in many years. This not only changed my perspective on VTubers as a platform of content, but as a personal gratitude I think many people will come to love. She's definitely what you call a "smacker", and I would admit I'm not one of them, thank god! Through many personal hardships I had since childhood, there was finally solice that I could turn to if I ever feel there's something wrong with me, especially during university. No one else does this but her, and there's so much creativity that just feels different from many other content creators. Not saying I don't like them, but her own fundamental capabilities to go so far into interacting with them is just mind-blowing without further context, which I couldn't provide because I'm so sleep deprived writing this. Basically, her aspirations to do streaming and that she says she'll stream more in the future makes me want to commit to more of her streams. If you could handle this level of ADHD and keep up with the edgy jokes she remarks every second, I'm sure you'll enjoy the streams as much as we do.

Streaming Career

Now that we have that out of the way, I'm sure you're more interested in the lore behind Filian. Did she hail from outer space and crash-landed on Earth to stream? Did she come out of the factories of China and shipped to the US so she could be an extravagent streamer? Or, and this is the best one I've got, was she a furry from years past, and now streams without ever telling us she's one of them? Knowing their history, I'm pretty sure it was stemmed from one of those possibilities. But what I could say here is that all these things I just mentioned connect to one game: VRChat. Yes, this was what started her career in the VTubing scene, and it was April 2021 that launched herself in this game. But wait a minute! I'm wrong about this date being her official debut (no relation). She actually told this story before that her personal addiction to VRChat started during the onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic in early 2020. Now we can confirm that she was still in her furry self before she started streaming, but gradually became her "all-time favourite game ever!" (although I'll point out that there was another game she played before this, and there's a clip from it I found a good while ago of her playing it, but that's another story).

Anyway, since becoming a VTuber, Filian quickly found many intuitive ways to makes her streams more enjoyable that had us vibrating our chairs intensely. Besides screaming into the mic every 5 minutes, she does collabs with other VTubers. Examples include: AkumaNihmune, CottontaleVA, Shylily, baoo, Camila, ProjektMelody, Yuzu, LucyPyre, Saruei, Pippa, Trickywi, and other larger, more personal creators. I don't know why Filian had to pick them out of the many others she could've collaborated with, but take this with a grain of salt if you can to save yourself. She also does You Laugh, You Lose streams every Saturday, but that could change if she decides to be weird about it. There are also some things she also can do, such as rizzing up Snackers at level uncomparable to the delight of famous TikTok celebrities of today. She could also give advice that could definitely help people find someone they could love and have relationships with (at least I don't fall in line to this behaviour, but it's at least funny to think about). There are many more things that I could come up with that makes Filian a speical place in my heart as a non-parasocial Snacker and it would probably take up like 50% of the Wiki if I keep going with this, so I'll leave you to discover other contents yourselves.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that she did the VTuber Awards. That's next!

Quoth The Filian

Some say it was just a fluke. Others say it's so bad you really thought she actually said this. And according to my sources, it's very much true down to the character. I wouldn't bother writing the quotes exactly, but these are close enough. After you've finished reading them, I want you to feel like you're actually Filian and stream like this. Oh yeah, someone once did commands for quotes, so it looks like I'll be the one responsible for quoting Filian from now on. Plus, these are never-before seen quotes that aren't on the commands list. Hope this is still accurate.

a42 b. lu768. asi-81
1 to get ur dna and clone u
rg ji;o jkl ulodcvdsf hklrg rhkl hkl hkl uildfd hkl ghiluur
I got my hotdog stuck in the pencil sharpener
danger's my business and business.. is good
If I can't see it, it can't hurt me
I have a feeling this isn't gonna be fun
The cable is flossing me
I'm a coconut fillyPepega Clap
wam bam shangalang
It looks like I have cancer in my crotch
i talk about tits and make terrible jokes
So today we're gonna hang out on horror night with Saruei.
stop quoting everything I say
My mom shoulda pulled out
I'm hard
I'm not Filipino, Neuro-sama.
That's not the only thing that's thick - filian 2023
What's in your pants? - filian 2023
Better to sail the seven seas, than to catch STDs. - filian 2023
I'm gonna lobotomize mytself. - filian 2023
Drake Can you do something for me. - filian 2022
What is a matting press? - filian 2023
Frick these fricks - filian 2023
If i was in the WWE, my name would be "The Penetrator" - filian 2023
*drumroll* Fuck.
He put the it in the shit-- (realisation) AAAAA!
Flip, bitch?
Where are we? Are we in Lugia's stomach? - filian 2023
Hey it's not so bad, at least we got screwed. - filian 2023
Alright, well, who wants to get vored? - filian 2023
Everyone's too busy watching... futa... or something - filian 2023
I'm gay for my water bottle.
*tests how flat she is* I'M FLATTER THAN MY MODEL!!!!!!!
I'm a virgin.
Shidding farding, shidding farding.... -my banner
I have a large PP, and I can't help it.
This is Bear Grylls, and you're watching Jackass. Let's get it.
Now that I'm gone, I guess I'll insert myself in the microwave in the hopes that I'll evolve to be a fruit snacc.
내눈속에비친 arrow SSsqwn vri8q3igehuis2 owj rhy3qne892 vg817. <-- demonic noises
oh god L must 6e tired. myh2nd wr:tin9 is f2llin9 off 2 cLiff :(
In 2 quirky qu2rtet, friends unite Drumsy, the punny chicken, t2kes fLi9ht Emi's d2rk cocks, fr2me her doomer 9r2Le While Moxie struts his femboy embr2f 2midst it 2LL, fili2n the short st2ck c2uses ch2os, with endLess Lrun9e for ch2t -The 4 Idiots
i'm a normal functioning adult. - Fussy Baby
i'm below average, it's so average.
i am an idiot!
is that grass? -to Layna
marmite is not that bad.
What, am I an egirl now? - filian 2023
Chat, is this how men get pregnant? - filian 2023
Chat, should I eat my wisdom teeth? - filian 2023
Spongebob is a lot hotter than me. - filian 2023
I'm the meat doctor. - Layna 2023
Layna, what colour are my balls? - filian 2023
I'm an american; I'm double fisting burgers. - filian 2023
batman w/o ears looks like a tictac - filian 2023
There is a pokemon in yugioh called "Winged Furry". - filian 2023
"Let me see the D, let me see the D!" - to Rekson
Is poop vegan? - filian 2023
Frick, I dropped my hips. - filian 2023
I'm a cat. It's my job to laugh at dogs suffering. - filian 2023
I just vomited thick water across my floor. - filian 2023
Am I the pervert? - filian 2023
Don't quote me on that. - Luong 2023
The only time tuna is good, is when it's your girlfriend. - filian 2023
And their fans are just as hard. - filian 2023
Does anyone ever say rub me right? - filian 2023
Fifdeez nuts. GotEEM - filian 2023
When in doubt, chat: war crimes. - filian 2023
people like vaporeon more than me. - filian 2023
i think body pillows should have more rights than me. - filian 2023
yea!! they had sex...ur buttcheek's good? - filian 2023
time to have cybersex with my cyberwife. - filian 2023
i'm probably 9 to 11 on plane crashes. - filian 2023
mwah! - filian 2023
the backside is more grippable. - filian 2023
alright let me just fart in my face real quick. - filian 2023
do you bring spit in the tsa? - filian 2024
i scream during sex! - filian 2024
the first divides into the head, and the second divides into the tits. - filian 2024 (on mitosis)
"i'm coming" - layna 2024
I can't afford to wear pants chat, they make me slow. - filian 2023
Am i the only one that wants [insert character from AOT] to be vored by a titan? - filian 2024
Imagine kissing your toes and ended up licking your foot. - filian 2024
And he just keeps fricken. - filian 2024
I could turn anything on. - filian 2024
I'm not hard like that. - filian 2024
My balls drop lower than the fruits. - filian 2024
I'm pregnant. - filian 2024
Guys, good players go on the bottom, so I might as well be one. - filian 2024
that's all i can think of right now. pls dm me for a specific quote i missed. yes, it can be things she didn't say (within reason). -yukimecoq (author & creator of this website)


Genuine real-life facts about Filian. No really they are!

She used to be in her highschool's cross-country team.
She used to sneak into the dance halls in college just to vibe with the students.
She used to have "severe" concussions when she was a kid. In total, she had 3: her tailbone, her fingers, and her collar bone.
Inspired by a hit children's book, she boiled green eggs without the yolk. She claims it to be delicious and I don't think I'll be eating those.
One time, when her teacher vented, she pulled a devious lick to make the trash bin talk back. Bro had a great day afterwards.
She was the only person in the world who got her school banend because pistacchios were "writable", that left marks on tables, walls, door, ...
She dislikes vegetables, soy products, grass (not surprising), spiders (the taste), her twitch mods, yukimecoq, ...
Her actual cell phone password (as of this writing) is 2632. I recommend the ones with FaceID. It's better.
Filian owns 2 phones.
Filian once asked the pilot for the "Mile High Badge." Basically, 5 to 10 VTubers go on the aeroplane and use the same bathroom, using the same toilet. There's a reward for that if you survived the whole flight.
She drives a 2020 Nissan Camry.
Statistically speaking, she had been involved in 9 accidents since owning a car. One of them was tailboned. The man in front had no insurance
She used to commute 2 hours to get to her school 4 times a week.
She travels a lot as a child.
She is very edgy. When TikTok was bought by ByteDance in 2017, she became addicted to it. The jokes she says on stream are her primary source of our entertainment.
She used to have an injury on stream. I think it was she smacked herself in the wall, and ont tell us if she's file (typical).
Her wisdom teeth stream is the most accurate depiction of drink Filian (the Four Loko thing stood no chance).
She has ADHD. I think I might've gotten that from her because now I make random noises in public. And I don't know why I'm like this.
Her WPM was 98 before spraining her fingers. Since streaming, it's down to ~84. Even worse, her key binds are mostly top row when playing games.
She is scared of going to large events.
One time, I asked her at OffKai what the most memorable sunrise was like. She says something like, "While running around the lake, I saw ducks swimming and it was very cute."
One time, while hiking, a flash flood swamped her and her friend's family. Thinking of not ruining her shoes, she jumps to save them. All of their family survived.
She admitted to chat, friends. and her mods as of October 2022, that she is a bona-fide furry connoisseur.
She is scared of being alone, sometimes telling us on Discord she wished to stream more often for us. That's cute.
She has a fan-base we go by as "Snackers" because Filian's favourite food is Welch's Fruit Snacks.
She also has a fan-base we go by as "Smackers." Despite being flat as the Earth, she is categorically a bottom, according to Numi.
Did I mention she is a bottom?
Apparently, microwaving cereal is a Canadian thing. Is she Canadian? Ask Neuro-sama.
Rekson owns a surplus amount of lotions. I could be wrong, but I think dry skin can be the worst feeling you can get, so please buy some for your sake and drink plenty of water afterwards.
Yes, she gets excited sometimes and that her skirt does that, too. It's like having two brains for a person.
Her screams are comapred to that of a jackhammer.
She broke $10,000 in VR equipment. That about the average down payment of a sportscar.
To be more specific, on one stream, Filipino Boy specifically broke 4 headsets since starting Twitch, which amounts to $2400 (€2250.06 in 2023).
Before moving to her new apartment, she puts 4 holes in her wall. One of them was the infamous Buttwall (Feb 2022-Dec 2022)
She owns a lot of things chat suggests she should buy. One of them was a bunny outfit, and made a whole stream for it. Smackers LOVE it.
To this day, she still did not properly install her 4090 graphics card (I don't think), when compared to previous streams.
You know, this would've been Neuro's first collab with Filian, and first collab to participate in the date show, and their first collab ever. Because Neuro made a pro-gamer move, she chose Miyune as her first collab instead. RIPBOZO.
She has dabbled in voice acting, her first and last time she's had one (for now).
Here's Filian's highs and lows. Ready? L: 48 H: 152
Oops! Did I say her Virginity Password was 2632. I meant 836189. I hope that clears this misconception up.
One time, she didn't study. At that point, she become desperate and secretly hid her notes on the floor without the teacher cataching her. She was suspended for 1 week for cheating and was grounded till she went back to school.
Filian has Sysnethesia. What does that mean? Any object in the world can eb interpreted as either some color/action. For example, what color are her boobs?
Over the span of 3 years from 2020, she average about $7,700 (€7,023.17 in 2023) on VR equipment. Per year.
Neuro-sama's frequent collabs (apart from Anny/Camila) is Filian, with the total of 8 times as of the 30th of December, 2023.
Filian foolishly admitted to consuming 6 paper plates since starting her streaming career. When Filian discovers egg shells rotting in the very crevasses of her room, she considered putting them on top of the plates and eating it. Chat went nuts!
She holds the Guiness Book of World Records for longest handstand, clocking in at 34 seconds.
Filian was authorized to pay $15k for breaking the gloves, relatively short of her monthly gifted subscriptions.
She once ate a rock. It was so dry she ate another one to test the waters.
The refrigerator contents amounts to more than 50% of expired milk that she consumes. The other portion are expired food subscription packages + expired green eggs and ham.
All Filian wanted to do was watch a movie on the airplane. She's so home-bound she forgot that her seat was reclining behind that man. She didn't even apologize after the fact.
Her all-time high score in Suika Game was 2808, after her second try. Don't worry about subsequent streams and the one with Henya.
On rare occasions, she goes outside in a skirt, and the winds started to take the wheel. She doesn't own any underwear.
On the same day, she ousted herself to a nudist beach to release her inner furry virginity. This was the first time she has ever came out of the closet like that.
Filian's SNN is 3782.
Filian failed her driving test twice.
Despite being an anime fan, she hates Konosuba.
Someone told me there was Filian merchandise. Why didn't Filian decide to do so in the first place? Link
During her Chaotic stream collab with ChibiDoki, Trickywi, and Pippa, Filian would have been self-entitled to earning Most Chaotic VTuber by a landslide, had she decided to nominate herself.
Her new record was 12 flips on 12/27/23. But here's something else interesting: her longest flashbang was 64 seconds that occurred on December 2022.
I kept saying things about her broken equipment, but let's be real. This costed about half of her income annually, and that's by far no exaggeration on my end.
On 1/1/24, Filian decided to take the Husband/Wife test. She scored lowest of the all scores on both spectrums, clocking in on average 0.4% husband/wife material.
Rumour has it in the Community tab on Filian's YouTube channel, she made her own memes. You can see this when you click/tap on the image.
One day she was offered chocolates at La Maison Du Chocolat. They were so good that she bought some online. A few days later, contemplating whether the $80 for 30 packs were worth it, was scammed for saying it was dark chocolate. I asked if she had read the label beforehand. I did not hear back.
Despite having an ID she carries around (I believe), she never remembers her birthday. Her birthdate is speculative as a result.
She is top 500 in all of Twitch, which translates to "Sorry, I don't do this for money!"
I have no more facts for you because I lost all my braincells thinking of some. DM me if I forgot something.


The previous layout of the website highlights the inefficiencies of where to place the images and videos of Filian, which I hope you'll forgive. It's hard-coded before I even knew any simpler way to do it. But why not compile all of them in this one section so it doesn't look feel like any Wiki/Fandom page? Would it really be that bad for you guys? Is it too much for you chat? Please let me know!

Gilian, My Beloved! But please don't smile when you know you're about to blow up the whole apartment.
Yellow Welchs
I bet these things exist.
A classic.
A failed attempt to never let Filian cook and sing.
Not even a minute later and she dismisses those allegations.
Dan Clancy was here.
CEO moment. *NOT FAKE 100% REAL!!!!!*
💜 Where it all began. I'm so proud of her 💜
I guess we'll never know when the debut will occur 😔
What the fuck is that 🤮🤮🤮
"I'm coming for that ass tonight. You hear me? I'm coming for that ass!"
Molten wax.
Lube Life
There's a story behind this that everyone keeps memeing about. And no it doesn't go on pancakes.
He stopped modding for chat and I still miss him dearly 😔
Waifu Cup
A piece of lost media found in the depths of the internet.
Sussy Filian
I knew it!
Last Stream
See you next year (or not)
I guess Timothy did not live up to his fame after what Filian did to him.
A definite Power Bottom.
@LegalriceVTClips Occured on 3/16/23 ~00:51 UTC
Did I mention that she has merch?
It's clearly Numi inspired!
You've changed. -Reiviar
It's clearly Miku-inspired! -Rex
The real voice of Filian!

By the way, if you cum all this way so far, good job! You ruined your relationship with your significant other, as well as your prized bed. Tell me in the Discord how that went!

Fruit Snack Goblin
Basic Info
Name: Filian (She/Them)
Born: 1985/10/13
Age: (Same age as Jerma)
Height (VR): ~2.5 pens tall (35cm.)
Height (IRL): 153cm. (yes, he's this short)
Virginity Password: 2632
Synonyms: See Comprehensive List
Wha-bam, Wha-zam! -Filipino Boy